Fatal comes across like a mix between the Fall, early Pere Ubu and a smattering of The Seeds. Fatal is a paranoid, tension-filled, slightly bleak, quirky post-punk, with 60’s garage, goth and pop thrown in to create a great album experience. If they’re as good live as they sound on record, then can’t wait to catch them live. – LOUDER THAN WAR
Perfect punk album. Night Motor have excelled themselves on Fatal, every track is perfectly layered with the restless, relentless energy of Punk juxtaposed with some beautifully melodic moments. – VANLOO’S REVIEWS
Fatal carries thirteen brilliant post-punk numbers, decorated by clever ideas, marvelous song structures, and thoughtful arrangements. You may stumble upon noise rock, goth rock, punk rock, alternative rock, industrial, and sometimes their presence dominates over the primary post-punk direction. However, Night Motor are handling all these ingredients like a pros, so their music appears as a harmonious slab of perfectly executed noise. – THOUGHTS WORDS ACTION